About Us
Linlithgow Logs is a company based in Linlithgow, West Lothian serving the local area as well as nationwide customers.
It's run by me, Neil McGrory. I rent space at a local farm and have a network of suppliers across Scotland and England.
Having started Linlithgow logs in 2021, my hope going forward is that the business will generate enough profit to be sustainable whilst offering a good value, reliable, delivery service in the Linlithgow area and now Nationwide.
I predominantly resell from wholesale suppliers and am constantly on the lookout for the best deals for my customers. That makes me independant and flexible and always looking to improve the business where I can.
All of my suppliers are woodsure accredited and as a result everything is ready to burn.
I truly believe all of the products I sell are of the highest quality. If you are unhappy with anything please call me on 07742101647 and I'll do my best to put it right.
Contact us now using our contact page.
Have a Great Day!